UX/UI Designer
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About Me

About Me


Hi, my name is Allison Davies and I'm a UX/UI Designer who is passionate about changing healthcare.

In my career, I've had the good fortune to work as a writer & editor in public health policy. I worked at a non-profit focused on representing U.S. dental schools and learned why advocacy for healthcare research on Capitol Hill is crucial. Tomorrow's life-saving innovations need to be funded today.

Since then, I've had the opportunity to work with several healthcare companies as a cross-functional  UX/UI designer . My ability to solve problems within complex systems means that my competitive research and analysis of my clients' platform has helped them boost usability and increase revenue.

My UX Process

  1. Research Phase

In the research phase, I try to uncover user behaviors and the context in which it happens. To find this, I use several tools.

  • Surveys

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Comparative Analysis

  • User Interviews

  • Field Research

  • Focus Groups

Each of these tools gives me the flexibility to solve each new UX problem with a scaffolding for how to implement research and design to find solutions. I can move quickly from phase to phase and then iterate on any concepts that need further development. 

Insights Phase

In the synthesis phase, I examine research data and find the essences from the research phase.

  • Affinity Diagramming

  • Site Maps

  • 4-List method

  • MoSCoW Method - Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won't Have

Concept Phase

The creation of an interactive visual artifact begins with brainstorming possible solutions to obvious pain points and finding where I can include moments of delight within the user experience. This phase consists of ideating and iterating on ideas.

  • Design Studio

  • Developing Personas

  • Wireframing

  • Creation of User Tests

  • Information Architecture

Prototype phase

In this phase, I've developed enough ideas that I believe will improve UX, and it is time to test my hypotheses. This phase validates what works and alerts me as to what pieces I should change and iterate on. 

  • Visual Design & Information Architecture

  • Feature Development & Prioritization

  • User Journeys

  • User Stories